Monday, June 25, 2018

The Hypocrisy of Trump Supporters: Agents of the AntiChrist

Christianity Today was founded by Billy Graham. In a recent article its executive editor, Andy Crouch, wrote: "That Trump has been, his whole adult life, an idolater" and "a singularly unrepentant one, should have been clear to everyone." Crouch's article concludes about Trump: "He wantonly celebrates strongmen and takes every opportunity to humiliate and demean the vulnerable. He shows no curiosity or capacity to learn. He is, in short, the very embodiment of what the Bible calls a fool." 

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And what about the hypocrisy factor? Conservative Christians were ready to impeach Bill Clinton for having consensual sex with Monica Lewinsky, who flashed her thong at him and invited his advances. They now voted for a man who said that he gropes women's genitals without their consent and barges into women's dressing rooms, then brags about his "privileges" to fellow playboy Howard Stern? As Stern himself has pointed out, no one should be surprised about these latest revelations. This is who Trump really is. This is what Trump does, by his own admission. 

Decent people wouldn't let a slime ball like Trump anywhere their our teenage daughters. Warped and misguided Americans made him president and placed their fates in his hands? 

How can the party of Christian values support the antithesis of Jesus Christ? If Christians claim that Bill Clinton deserved to be impeached for having consensual sex with one woman, Monica Lewinsky, why was Donald Trump elected president when 11 women say he sexually assaulted them? Many other women admit they had affairs with him, and teenage girls say he ogled them in the nude? 

Jesus Christ saved his sternest criticism for hypocrites. How then can Christians practice such overt hypocrisy? To defend Donald Trump, if you agreed with the impeachment of Bill Clinton, would be the height of hypocrisy, and therefore unChristian.

1 comment:

  1. It goes without saying that Trump is a filthy fucking piece of shit what people sometimes don’t realize is that is exactly what his supporters want because that’s exactly what they are. They should be spayed and neutered or worse.


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