Saturday, June 23, 2018

Moral Decline Of America: An Open Letter to John Kasich

The last time I voted for a Republican it was for Sherwood Bolhert. He's a man of honor and he was a good congressman same as you are a good and honorable governor. Had you won the GOP nomination I would have strongly considered voting for you because like Hillary and Bernie you didn't lie much and unlike Cruz and Trump you are sane and honorable but you are naive and you are too honorable to be a Republican. In spite of that I admire you. 

The GOP has been in a steep moral decline even before the Nixon era. It was too late for President Ford to restore any honor. When the rubber hits the road all we have is our honor. History will remember you as a principled and honorable man who never achieved the greatness within his potential because he ran with the wrong crowd. 

When LBJ kicked the racists out of the Democratic party the GOP welcomed them with opened arms. Honor would dictate this statement to the racists. "I don't want your support or your vote. If I am elected I will not represent you. In fact, I will do what I can to make your lives hell." Honor does not pander to evil.

You will never win as a Republican because you are too sane, too moral, too honest, too competent. Liberals, progressives and moderates tend to be curious, open-minded, educated and thoughtful people who strive to be good citizens. They tend to care more about the rights of others than their own rights which is congruent with the Judeo/Christian ethic and the American way. 

I saw a confused John Kasich theorizing with Brian Williams as to what is wrong with America and it's moral fiber. It's simple. Trump has awakened a disease that has been mostly dormant. We blame Hitler exclusively when we should have blamed a large segment of the German populace. Misguided people defend American Nazis' right to spread their evil agenda as condemn ANTIFA for doing the right thing and punching them. Speech has limits and a group whose agenda is the extermination of Jews and non Whites have no rights under the US Constitution. Sick dishonest Americans call the Confederate swastika Southern heritage when they know all along it is a symbol of oppression and treason.

Become a Democrat and join with honorable people like Elizabeth Warren, Governor Richardson, Bernie Sanders, Clair McCaskill, Presidents Carter and Obama, and Joe Biden. Reject and rebuke fake conservatives like Limbaugh, Alex Jones, Laura Ingram and Sean Hannity and embrace Joe Scarborough and George Will. 

The GOP is and has been rotten to the core for many decades. Take off the blinders and stop the wishful thinking Don Quixote.

1 comment:

  1. It is impossible for a moral and normal Republican to get nominated or elected to public office because the Republican base is completely and totally morally depraved and evil. They hate anything that’s good and they embrace evil 100%


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