Monday, January 27, 2020

Tracy Grant: Free Speech Hating Rape Victim Betraying Corporate Shill For Jeff Bezos and Defender of Rapists

BTW Tracy, I'm not a feminist. I'm just one of those old fashioned people who believes rapists are scum and should be castrated regardless of how rich and famous they are. The truth is, Kobe Bryant was no hero. Think about what it would be like to be fucked so hard that your vagina gets torn ad your neck gets bruised. That is what happened to Kobe Bryant's victim.

See the source image
Tracy Grant: Whore for Jeff Bezos

I guess maybe you and Jeff Bezos want to make this rich rapist scumbag a hero so that you can make millions selling Kobe merch on Amazon. Money is the common denominator with you corporate gangsters. 

In your depraved corporate brain and in the brains of the sheeple who drink your Kool Ade some how being a rich hyped athlete erased the fact that Kobe Bryant cheated on his wife and raped a 19 year old hotel worker. 

I hope Felicia Sonmez sues you personally you contemptible corporate shill. In the meantime, I hope every victim of sexual abuse and their loved ones pisses on Kobe Bryant's grave and I how Kobe Bryant's wife pours his ashes down the toilet along with a great big turd. 

I have to wonder how someone with you judgement and ethics got to be a managing editor of a major American newspaper. My guess is, it involved blowjobs. You'd fit right in with Jeanine Pirro and that other whore Laura Ingraham... that would be after plastic surgery.

In the meantime, take your money and run and leave journalism to people such as Rachel Maddow, Chris Cuomo, Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasperian, you know, people with ethics but I don't suppose you would know much about that being one of Bezo's whores.


  1. Rich people are generally evil even before they get rich. It is very difficult to get rich if you were an honest and decent person. Most rich people are scum.

    1. Rich 🤑 people are most often evil.


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