Wednesday, January 29, 2020

DNC Is Sabotaging Bernie Sanders: How and Why They Are Doing It

430 South Capitol Street Southeast
Washington, DC 20003

Dear DNC,

Why are you scumbags trying to sabotage Bernie? Read the writing on the wall. The days of your billionaire. ruling class masters are coming to an end. If you fuck Bernie this time you'll piss off a lot of people who are hell bent on ending the oligarchy. That's a fact. You elitist types are so out of touch that you are screwing your greedy selves but are to insular from reality to see how angry the peasants are and how much they are wising up. Bernie's supporters are informed and come from all walks of life. They are smart than you snobs. Given the DNC's record of ignorance and arrogance you will fuck this up again.

I campaigned for Hillary and I feel as though I wasted my time. The phone tactics would have worked before everyone had cell phone and the door knocking was a joke as well. We were not allowed to leave voice mail.

The DNC is inept and it looks like you have monetized the election process. I'm sick of your spam email begging for my money but not my help.

Then Democratic party's base is comprised of people who are moral educated critical thinkers unlike the GOP which is full of stupid slime but the DNC doesn't seem to get that.

You fuckers are glad Trump won because now there's a lot of money pouring into your coffers.

The leadership of the DNC seems like a bunch of elitist snobs who look down their noses on people who have a lot more class than any of you Washington errand boys and girls. Please don't fuck it up again morons.

What you servants of the billionaire class don't get is that unlike the MAGAts who think the government is fucking them, the progressives have made the leap that the oligarchs own their government and it is the rich ruling class that is fucking them by helping the ruling class hog all the wealth. The MAGAts are starting to figure it out too. If Trump get his wish for a civil war it won't be left vs right. It will be haves vs the have nots. Bernie can each the MAGAts and that scares the ruling class. Bernie is able to show the smarter MAGAts that it's not the government that's fucking them but rather it's the ruling class that owns you fuck sticks that is what is fucking them.

Bernie can reach the smarter MAGAts and show them who's really fucking them. If your sabotage doesn't you fuckers may end up in a heap of trouble once the MAGAts see that it's the rich who've been fucking them all along.

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