Thursday, June 21, 2018

What Jesus Would Do and What Trump and His Supporters Have Done

GOP senator: 'Weird' that Trump brags about affairs ...

Would Jesus Christ vote for a man who cheated on his wives repeatedly, then bragged about it in public? Jesus obviously did not condone adultery, much less sexual assault and ogling underage girls.

Trump brags about not paying taxes: 'That makes me smart'

Would Jesus Christ vote for a rich man who brags about being "smart" because he doesn't pay his taxes and his bills? Jesus told Peter that Christians should pay their taxes: "Render unto Caesar ..."

Trump: ‘I love war’ - San Antonio Express-News

Would Jesus Christ vote for a man who said that he "loves" war, who called himself the most "militaristic" person on the planet, and who said that he would order American troops to hunt down and kill women and children?

150 Health Violations found in Trumps child prisons. - No ...

Would Jesus Christ vote for a man willing to turn his back on millions of completely innocent children, and either ban, incarcerate, or deport them? Remember that Joseph and Mary were told there was no room for their baby. 

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Ironically, Trump would have banned the Holy Family, since they came from a "hot spot" of terrorism (Bethlehem is in the Palestinian West Bank) and they were not Christians at the time Jesus was born.
No, Jesus Christ would not have been deceived by a man like Trump. I cannot imagine Jesus voting for Trump. But then how can Christians support Trump? Answer: Only a false Christian could support Trump.

1 comment:

  1. Clearly, Trump supporters cannot be considered human.


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