Monday, June 25, 2018

Attributes of the Antichrist: Trump Fits Them All

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Attributes of the Antichrist

Charismatic: he will be a major celebrity (Trump's reality TV show The Apprentice

The people who can easily see that Trump is the antiChrist are called the elect. It’s in the Bible. We are called the elect. Simply put, the “elect of God” are those whom God has predestined to salvation. They are called the “elect” because that word denotes the concept of choosing. Every four years in the U.S., we "elect" a President—i.e., we choose who will serve in that office. The same goes for God and those who will be saved; God chooses those who will be saved. These are the elect of God. There is no way we can be deceived by the likes of Donald Trump. What many other Christians and other members of the elect struggle with is why is it so obvious to them and not others. I think that is what Elvo Rondo is asking so I will explain.

Most of the people who support Trump live in the Bible belt. The Bible belt is the most sinful part of the world. The Southern Baptists are agents of Satan. They unashamedly put 666 hymns in their hymnal. Is the Baptist Hymnal “Denominational Treason?” — SBC Voices

The Bible belt is full of poorly educated people. Trump preys on the poorly educated and the intellectually dishonest. Satan thrives on darkness and fears enlightenment.

Persuasive: he will a smooth talker, the consummate salesman (Trump's best-selling book The Art of the Deal)

Prosperous: he will be a rich, powerful man (Trump's book Trump: How to Get Rich)

Deceitful: a con artist, he will deceive many people through fear mongering (Trump's book Crippled America)

Negotiator: he will be a master negotiator and deal maker, persuading the nations of the world to trust him (The Art of the Deal)

Strongman: he will be a real "tough guy" (Trump's book Time to Get Tough)

"Big Idea" Man: he will propose things never heard before, and seem to make them happen at first (Trump's book Think Big and Kick Ass)

Champion: he will claim to be able to do things that are impossible for other human beings (Trump's book Think Like a Champion)

Comeback Artist: seemingly left for dead, he will make an amazing comeback (Trump's book The Art of the Comeback)

Problem Solver: he will convince people that he alone has the answers to previously unsolvable problems (Trump's wall, to be paid for by Mexico)

Confidence Man: although interested only in himself, he will convince other people to trust him (Trump's book Why We Want You to Be Rich)

Winner: he will claim to be a winner, and delude the masses (Trump's book The Way to the Top)

Midas Touch: he will claim that everything he touches turns into gold (Trump's book Midas Touch)

Conqueror: he will claim that no one can defeat him (Trump promises to protect Israel and to defeat ISIS)

Commander: he will be a military leader (Trump claims to be the most militaristic person on the planet) 

Intimidator: he will be a “king of fierce countenance” (Trump is a bully and intimidator)

Arrogant: "He shall exalt himself and magnify himself" (Is anyone as arrogant as The Donald?)

Egomaniac: "He shall magnify himself above all" (Donald Trump brags more than anyone I have ever known)



  1. Trump is only part of the antichrist, the full and complete antichrist for the filthy rich, Putin and the republican party and it’s depraved evil base. Anyone who votes for republican is part of the antichrist.

  2. Deep down, Donald Trump is a coward, and someone should’ve stood up to him when he was a punk kid, and beaten him into a vegetative state.


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